Monday, January 30, 2012

Lemonade...and other juices

It's lemonade time again and I thought while I was at it, I'd do a few more beverages as well.
I love freshed squeezed orange juice. I've never had it better than at the Java Kai in Kauai. The oranges there just taste so...perfect.
I'm here and there are oranges so why not.
The last time I made lemonade, I juiced all the lemons by hand. This time I had the assistance of that contraption up there. I have to say that juicing by hand is less stressfull on the hands and arms, but that juicer thing might be a little quicker. I also blended up some strawberries with a tad bit of lemon juice to thin it out.
In the end we made standard lemonade, a family favorite, as well as a rather odd orange juice mixture that turned a little bitter over night and a strawberry pineapple lemonade. We even made strawberry lemonade and strawberry pineapple popsicles!
I recently got my hands on an old citrus press and can't wait to try it out. We gotta hurry up and drink all that juice we just made!

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