Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fire Starters

The last few days at my house were cold and a mix of snow and slush, followed by almost 7 inches of snow over night last night. Needless to say, the fireplace has been in use and it was time again to make my yearly stash of fire starters. I don't remember where I got my "recipe" from, probably a magazine article from somewhere, but I've been doing it for a while and they always work well for me, and use up some materials in my house that I would have otherwise disposed of.

Here's what you're going to need.

~An egg carton or cartons-you can do many at a time if you wish.

~Lint from your dryer-the more the better.

~Candles-about 1-2 medium candles per carton. Light and let stand until melted 1/2 inch down.

First, detach the top of the carton by cutting it off. You will not need this part.

Now, pull apart the lint and stuff it into the holes in the carton.

Carefully pour wax over the lint trying to distribute evenly.

I like to use a second candle, making sure the lint is saturated.

Then let cool.

Cut out individual squares after it has cooled. If the wax is still warm, it will be kind of gooey to cut thru.

Save extra fire starters in container, I suppose they last indefinitely, but I usually use all mine up in the winter, and what I have left I take camping.

Put a piece of kindling or two-you wont need more than this because of the fire starter you just made-and the wood and place the fire starter underneath. You can put a few pieces of paper around if you wish. Light fire starter only and let stand. Tend to fire as normal once started.

Enjoy your fire!

~I like to lay in front of mine with my cat and fall asleep.

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