Monday, May 28, 2012

Bird Seed Hangers

I got this amazing idea while looking for thank you gifts to make for my wedding. They are SO easy but VERY messy. Make sure you have extra oil out and accessible because your fingers get very sticky.

Mix 3/4 C flour, 1 pkg unflavored gelatin, 1/2 C water and 3 Tbsp corn syrup in a bowl. Add 4 cups bird seed.

Smush bird seed into GREASED cookie cutter. Add more to top and really smush it in the best that you can. The harder pressed they are, they firmer they will be and the less they will break apart.  Smooth out top as desired.

*While it is still in the cookie cutter-pierce the hole with a skewer or whatever you want to use. If you wait until you slide it out, it will significantly deform it. I figured this out after a couple of attempts.

Gently slide bird seed out of cookie cutter and lightly touch up shape.

Let rest on wax or parchment paper over night or until firm.
Once solid you can thread string or twine thru the hole and hang outside for the birdies!

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